Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy performed by Orchestra Northern Arizona

I was very excited that my space themed orchestral work, Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy, recently had two performances by the Orchestra Northern Arizona with David Cripps conducting.  This concert performance was part of the Dark Skies Festival that celebrates the space enthusiasm of the Northern Arizona community and included multiple talks given by me about my passion of music, astronomy, and the composition process

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. I really appreciated the project and being able to spread the joy and excitement of music.  Also excited was that Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy was in fact conducted by one of the very people whose performances inspired me to become a composer in the first place – David Cripps – retired principal horn of the London Symphony Orchestra who played on John Williams’s original soundtrack recordings of Star Wars, Superman, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and about a thousand other things. David is the horn soloist on the Princess Leia theme on the original Star Wars film and was even kind enough to pull out his horn and privately play this theme for me from memory!

Flagstaff Daily Newspaper article about Deep Skies concert and my talks.

Flagstaff Daily Newspaper article about Deep Skies concert and my talks.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi after talk at the Flagstaff School for the Arts with students and conductor David Cripps.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi after talk at the Flagstaff School for the Arts with students and conductor David Cripps.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi talking to students at the Flagstaff School for the Arts about the composition process.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi talking to students at the Flagstaff School for the Arts about the composition process.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi talking at Lowell Observatory for his life long passions of science and music.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi talking at Lowell Observatory for his life long passions of science and music.

Orchestra Northern Arizona photobooth

Orchestra Northern Arizona photobooth

Conductor David Cripps

Conductor David Cripps

Don Williams, percussionist and brother of composer John Williams reviewing my score to Orbit.

Don Williams, percussionist and brother of composer John Williams reviewing my score to Orbit.


Pre-concert talk with conductor David Cripps to talented students of the Arizona community.  They had some great and probing questions about the music creation process.


Talking to Northern Arizona school children about the career and process of writing music.

The two standing room only performances were a tremendous success both the community and especially with the young people (so many young high school kids learn about music through this experience).  This concert work was performed as part of the Flagstaff, Arizona Dark Skies program featuring space themed music such as “Also Sprach Zarathustra”, several movements from Gustav Holst’s “The Planets”, and my very own piece, “Orbit”. In addition to attending the Orchestra Northern Arizona’s concert, I conducted a total of 14 talks at local schools and various organizations about my work and the composition process as well as being featured in a reception at Lowell Observatory on Sunday, October 19 with a 90 minute talk.  “Orbit” was premiered by the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra on November 18, 2012, with David Weiss conducting. This fifteen minute work is also be heard each hour at the California Science Center (permanent home of the Space Shuttle Endeavour) as part of their IMAX presentations and to date has been heard by over two million people.