“Nightfall” New CD Released!
Original music to “Nightfall” is now available on iTunes, Amazon, cdBaby, and most other online distributors. The music is epic space opera/sci-fi fantasy and 65 minutes long.
Available as MP3, MP3 320, and FLAC files.
This music is indebted to sci-fi and action/adventure film scores that I loved so much and those wonderful scores by John Williams, Jerry Goldsmith, Bernard Herrmann, Alan Silvestri, and James Horner just to name a few. These are the very same composers that inspired me to become a film composer in the first place. In “Nightfall”, I sought to encapsulate the spirit of action, adventure, and heroic peril with a vivid musical score.
1. Opening Fanfare and Battle 6:33 *
2. Memories 1:54 *
3. Game On 3:28
4. Into the Game 3:23 *
5. Game Over 3:22 *
6. The Mission Briefing 4:47
7. Team Assembles 2:38
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. Close Call! 10:27
9. A Narrow Escape! 2:18
10. Despair Grows 5:34
11. Faithfulness 4:29
12. Nearing the End 2:36
13. Final Battle 3:18 *
14. Reunion 2:36 *
15. Finale 6:00 *
ProTools Engineer: BOBAN APOSTOLOV