New orchestral work…”Earthrise”!

I am very excited to announce the completion of my new orchestral work,”Earthrise“.  The title comes from the iconic photograph taken on Apollo 8, the first manned orbital mission to the moon on December 24, 1968.  Human eyes had never seen the ragged and imposing craters and uninviting mountain ranges of the dark side of the moon.  As the Apollo 8 command module completed its first lunar orbit, the crew was stunned by the rising earth.  As this photograph was taken by astronaut William Anders when he and his fellow crew mates (Frank Borman and Jim Lovell) emerged in their craft from behind the Moon’s dark side, they saw in front of them an astounding sight – an exquisite blue sphere hanging in the infinite blackness of space.

The photograph Anders took is known as “Earthrise”, and it is considered one of the most profound events in the history of human culture, for at this moment we truly saw ourselves from a distance for the first time; and the Earth in its contextual surroundings of dark emptiness not only seemed infinitely beautiful, but also incredibly fragile. This image crystallized and cemented the sense of the our vulnerability on Spaceship Earth.

I grew up listening to many scores of James Horner, the oscar winning composer of Titanic, A Beautiful Mind, Braveheart, Rocketeer, Apollo 13, and so many more great scores.  I was deeply affected by his sudden passing in a plane crash on June 22, 2015.  James loved flight and heroic adventure and “Earthrise” is an homage to this wonderful composer featuring a tip of the hat to a few of his stylistic trademarks

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I consider “Earthrise” to be a conceptual counterpart to “Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy” (American Prize semi-finalist, orchestral composer professional division).  It is 14 minutes long and currently available for orchestra with the following instrumentation:

Piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 3 trumpets, 3 trombones, tuba, timpani, 4 percussionists, harp, celesta, and strings.

A symphonic winds arrangement is available and scheduled to premiere on May, 2016.

For performance and rental details, please contact me.


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