“Nightfall Suite” selected as a semi-finalist in the American Prize (2018)!
I am thrilled to announce that I have just been selected as finalist in the “Professional Composer – opera/theater/film/ballet division ” (2017-18) of the American Prize national competitions in the performing arts for my orchestral work, “Nightfall Suite”. As the contests unfold, finalists, runners-up and winners will be selected from this list
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FINALISTS: composers—opera/theater/film/dance, 2017-18
Jesse Ayers Canton OH
Beneath Suspicion
Jennifer Bellor Las Vegas NV
From My Doleful Prison
William David Cooper Cambridge MA
Hagar and Ishmael
Karim Elmahmoudi Los Angeles CA
Nightfall Suite
Jocelyn Hagen Plymouth MN
Test Pilot
Frank LaRocca Oakland CA A
Rose in Winter—the Life of St. Rita of Cascia
William Vollinger Woodcliff Lake NJ
Duck Girl (an imaginary interview)