‘Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy’ World Premiere
“It is with an iron will that they embark on the most daring of all endeavors … to meet the shadowy future without fear and conquer the unknown.”
— Ferdinand Magellan, circa 1520.
ORBIT: A Symphonic Fantasy received its world premiere performance by the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra on November 18, 2012, under the direction of David Weiss. The premiere performance was very well received. An excerpt of this work can be heard on the audio section of this site. The work is scored for orchestra and lasts about thirteen minutes in duration.
I am very honored that ORBIT: A Symphonic Fantasy is also being played at the California Science Center (permanent home of the Space Shuttle Endeavour) as part of their IMAX productions. This is a huge honor for me and I’m thrilled with the support and excitement they have had towards me and my music.
A studio recording of ORBIT is available for purchase on iTunes here.
October 27, 2012:
Over the past few weeks, the Los Angeles Doctors Orchestra has been rehearsing Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy and I’m thrilled with the effort everyone has been putting into it. At the same time, we have had a lot of reminders of modern day exploration with the Space Shuttle Endevour as it arrived in its new home in Los Angeles.

A deeply moving and memorable moment when the Space Shuttle Endevour flew over its new home, Los Angeles. A wonderful reminder of the recent accomplishments of the space program.
A touching and memorable moment when the Space Shuttle Endevour flew over its new home, Los Angeles. A wonderful reminder of the recent accomplishments of the space program.

The shuttle makes the dramatic road trip through Los Angeles to its new home at the California Science Center.
I had a wonderful opportunity to visit the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory where some of the most complex robotic research spacecraft are operated. Meeting some of the people and teams who work on these projects was a wonderful and inspiring experience for me since I have grown up in the age of the Space Shuttle, Voyager, and Mars exploration missions. These people are very generous with their time and sharing their passion of space exploration.

Various active spacecraft on the wall at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena – just outside of Los Angeles.

My very kind NASA JPL guide, Eric Lyness, who works on the Mars Curiosity Rover. Behind him was the very first picture sent back from the rover.

At NASA JPL Where transmissions are monitored and planned for the Mars Landers.

The latest in a long line of explorers, this is the Mars Curiosity Rover – an SUV sized robot that is currently on Mars searching for signs of early life.

I love this saying – it embodies the spirit that my piece is based on…”Dare mighty things”. Also applies to composing.

Composer Karim Elmahmoudi with Bobak Ferdowsi (aka “Mohawk guy”) who is the Mars Curiosity Lander’s Flight Director. The picture right behind us was the very first photograph taken by the Mars Curiosity Lander.

NASA JPL Mission control – teams are actively listening to all robotic space craft here.

This is a model of Martian terrain used for rover testing.
October 1, 2012:
I am honored and excited that my latest large scale orchestral work, Orbit – A Symphonic Fantasy, will have its world premiere performance on November 18, 2012. This piece was the result of a commission from the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra and the Los Angeles Arts Counsel. For more information about the concert, please visit the orchestra’s website at ladso.org.
These surreal images were captured aboard the International Space Station as it orbited the earth by astronaut Don Pettit. Due to the long exposure of the photograph, both stars and city lights beneath appear as streaks behind the space station. I was captivated by the way the distant stars and neighboring city lights seemed to blend together and reflect a similar though contrasting nature. More stunning images from this series can be seen here.
The final mission of the space shuttle took place on July 21, 2011 – thirty years after its first flight. While watching this last mission, I was reminded of the joy and excitement I had as a young boy waking up in the middle of the night to watch the very first shuttle launch. The shuttle was my earliest experience of astronauts launching off into space
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. Though my piece, Orbit, is not directly related to space exploration or the space shuttle, it is really about the spirit of adventure in which the space shuttle is simply the latest in a long line that can be traced throughout our history with Neil Armstrong, Shackleton, Magellan, Marco Polo, and many others as they ventured off towards the unknown.
Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy reflects the spirit of exploration that is inherent in our nature and the visionaries who face the future with a sense of determined will, hope, and courage. I am grateful to the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony for the opportunity to write this piece for my colleagues and friends in the orchestra.
The World Premiere performance of Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy took place on November 18, 2012 and was warmly received. Thanks to the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony, Ivan Shulman (Music Director) and David Weiss (conductor) for such a committed performance! I’m thrilled that the California Science Center has decided to use Orbit as their theme music during IMAX presentations! If you haven’t yet checked out the Space Shuttle Endeavour at its new home in Los Angeles, do check out this inspiring sight!