Composer Residency with the Wayzata Symphony Orchestra

I just returned from Minneapolis yesterday for my composer residency and had an absolutely wonderful time!  The week culminated with an unforgettable performance of “Orbit”.   The Wayzata Symphony Orchestra conducted by Marlene Pauley did a phenomenal job performing my music and I was extremely pleased with the entire experience!  I was thrilled to see a packed audience with an overwhelmingly positive reception.

As part of this composer residency, I also spoke to local schools, universities, and audiences about my passions for astronomy, exploration, and music and how these all combined in “Orbit” and the newly completed sequel, “Earthrise“.

Concert program:


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. S. Bach: Brandenburg Concerto #3 in G major
Reinecke: Flute Concerto Op. 28 in D major (Adam Kuenzel, Principal Flute, Minnesota Orchestra)
Karim Elmahmoudi: Orbit: A Symphonic Fantasy.

The concert took place at 2pm on October 11, 2015, at the Wayzata Community Church.  This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council, thanks to the legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

Thanks again to Marlene Pauley and the wonderful Wayzata Symphony Orchestra for such a vibrant performance!  They put a lot of work into the performance and their professional attitude and attention to detail really came through!




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